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Fry's Electronics

Electronic death trap, coustomers go there and buy 3rd rate electronics for cheap prices, only for them to break and endure the nightmare of returning them. The rebates are a scam aswell. Employes hassel uneducated coustomers into buying what they dont need just to make commission. The employees are just bitter because they are payed very poorly. Red tape and bureaucratic rules dictate everything that goes on to the point of utter frustration that loses them business. I got suckered into working there.($9-$13/hr starting my ass)

Jim:I just got this motherbord at Fry's
Sam:Sucker, bet it doesnt work.
(2 days later)
Jim:Damn, this motherbord is bad, back to Fry's and the return line.
(2 days later)
Jim:Still in the fucking return line

by G_FUnc January 10, 2005

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