Something that goes so unbelievably hard you have to make up a dumb ass word to express yourself
A fatass in your area. he will try to eat anything in sight. he has evolved excavator esque teeth to shovel food into his mouth better. he weighs at at least 2000kg only way to weigh himself is on the richter scale.
What was that level 8 earthquake. Jakov moment.
An absolute giga chad who gets every single hot milf in your area is named aiden. he is capable of exclaiming the entire shrek script from memory. and will make your bitch wet even in africa.
Damn bro he banged 4 girls last night. still aint a rizzardini
Man titties usually on the homies named benjamin who have a back looking like krakatoa and have enhanced estragen levels. they most likely play osu
Damn blud got massive as mitties