Source Code



Me: dem mods are soooo gay bro...
You: ye man

by HEYghost November 28, 2018


A shit town in Michigan that is literally in hole. Ironically, potholes are scattered all over the place. There’s is legitimately absolutely nothing to do there. Anybody who was unlucky enough to be born in this hell scape or move here never leaves. Fuck this place.

Friend: Hey, wanna go to The Udder Side?
You: Isn’t that in Jonesville though?
Friend: Yeah, why?
You: That place is a shithole so I think tf not.

by HEYghost April 1, 2021

Code Caller

A kid that calls people hackers when they win something in a game, usually little kids but can differ.

Kid: *wins* doot doot
Code Caller: hACkS, iM REpoRTinG yoU
Kid: noooo plz don’t

by HEYghost November 28, 2018