An angry roadrage filled commercial truck driver.
Did you see that truck that just cut me off blowing his air horn? He is a real trucking asshole!!
A tow truck operator who thinks he knows everything but is actually an incompetent know it all idiot
Got my car towed last night, tow guy damaged my bumper.. what a fucking tow douche!
When at least 2 or more males play a game of tag. Instead of using a hand to tag another player you use your Penis to tag another player who then becomes it.
Hey guys! Anybody up for a game of dinky tag today outside at lunch break?
A snow plow truck driver who blocks in the end of your driveway with packed hard snow after you have just finished busting your ass shoveling a foot of snow from the entire driveway.
That snow douche just dumped another foot of snow in my driveway that I just finished shoveling!