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“Celebrity Worship Syndrome”. Basically when some dumb af person is obsessed with a celebrity to the level that it’s unhealthy.

Patient: “I’m literally so obsessed with this celebrity, I want to marry them and spend all my money on a meet and greet. I get super offended when people say rude stuff about them, and I take it like, super personally”
Psychiatrist: “hey sweetie, you are probably suffering from CWS”

by Hahahaiaua September 8, 2020

12👍 4👎


Kuwait is a country in the middle east and its king -Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah- must under all circumstances be called King and lord of Mars.

It is also essential that all delegates representing Kuwait be referred to as "Grand amazing advisors of the omnipotent king of the seven seas".

Kuwatian: We love our delegates of Kuwait! And therefore we call them they are Most outstanding, awesome, and omnipotent lords!

by Hahahaiaua January 28, 2021

4👍 3👎