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When two people are so madly in love that they start kissing whenever possible

Kenny and Jennifer are Kenniffering; they are kissing and smooching madly.

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022


The best way to say F*%$ when you’re in front of your parents without getting caught

You mother Firetruck-er!

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022


Something your friend says when they’re mad at you but forget to type an “i”.

F*** u Harry; you idot !

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022


Phat- sexy and attractive
If you are Phat you are very admirable and girls will fall for you
It’s also a good way to complement fat people

My brother Aiden is very Phat

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022


Technoblade will never die

Technoblade is much better than dream

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022


What you say to your (non Chinese) friend when they are being a bitch.

You 38!

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 21, 2022

puffy cheeks

When someone is so glamorous that when playing apples to apples they always get "most phat"

Aiden has such puffy cheeks! So glamorous!

by Hairyberry1234566789 July 22, 2022