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Nainted Annhnainting
Definition: To replace no with emphasis in gambling situations of verbal battles
English profanity non-christian, but formal - Staffordshire Lichfield originated
- of gambling on thin ice.
- typically yelled at the top of the lungs in crowded public by a drugged-boosted inebriated persion, or people with a real life charisma level of 80+ or higher.
- can be used to pass speech checks where people inquire about the local high elves.
- It is the supereffective english counter-attack to the german nine-nine-nine, and provides a stat-boost to the user.
typically in bureaucratic stats such as intelligence, charisma and mental-speed.
- it in Drastically effected by weather effects. if it is raining outside, if the user uses it the effects will be countered and render the persion a brainlet -20/100 charizma and intellegence for 1 day
- It is effected by trap-card
- can only be used once per battle when in 4chan boards, making it first come first serve.
- it is uneffected by "language of the gods"
- it is uneffected by pewdiepie and hilary clintion's special ability "meme killer".
- it is uneffected by "dead-ass"
- it is uneffected by "dead meme" as it is a template amplifier and form of meme rather than just one meme.
- it is countered by "Reeee" and "markiplier E" to only allow one use per battle. if the persion uses both, the
moves E and REE then the user becomes PEPE and is 'big kill'.

I hereby commit "Naint"... (this shit is too crazy for me - no, please NOOOO!!!)
Forgive me father for i have "Nainted"... (said no)
I will be "Annhnainting" thyne situations in self-preservationary posterities... (i aint doing that crazy shit)

by HauntingPast July 19, 2020


Caribbean is a persion who is typically got turquoise eyes, or aquamarine eyes, typically half-cast, showing a browny-yellowish pallid skin tone. Has a heritage of being From a rare Original pre-colonial native of the Caribbean in his/her genes. Often leads to co=dominant alleles such as hair that goes blond at 80 instead of going white, eyes that start off blue and turn green with age and natural-iris-tanning, and get's his her heritage native from being descendent from slave markets. common "Caribbean" names include "faraday" "murdoc" "farnsworth" and "stirling". This is typically due to the genes and decendents that survived going to wales and english slave farms.
Murdoc and farnsworth names are also templar derivitive in ancient anglo-england, making them the rarest breed of Caribbean on the planet.

I saw a pallid man with cyan eyes, i believe he was "Entro-caribbian".
i have never heard of a "Entro-caribbian" persion.
The rarest genes to exist are "Caribbean" genes.


by HauntingPast July 19, 2020

Right Honourable Friend

"Right Honourable Friend" = Procrastinating Parliamentary Prick\wanker:
a persion who slows down parliament by bench-sitting/procrastinating and making non-commital
feedback into legislation despite being paid to do their job - by definition of the very respect that - that being why they are in power in the first place...

This isn't actually the definition - but with the increased use of it in videos... watching the world burn will never be more calculated and accurate than ruining this word forever...

will my "right honourable friend" tell us why mr speaker is shagging my MP's behind Mc'donalds at 4 in the morning...

by HauntingPast February 15, 2021


Definition: Ultransynininthrianisticallism onomatopoeic
A much-needed Cursed word that describes the beat-like synchronicity of when cheeks clap together in second-by-second motions of walking; typically used to describe the sound dummo thicc people make.
if he/she is extra thicc then the word becomes "hypearahcovousenessynininthrianisticallism" meaning the added echoes of clapping added to the cove-like clapping and passing doppeler effect of ass-cheek clapping.
how to pronounce: ultra - transive - synchronistic - ni (adaptive: white english for ney-ney - ni - labyrinthrian(to be like a maze)nthrian - stic sticky cheeks boi - callcall (to call is to make sound) - ism prism-like or typically to be of a vast group or spectrum (context to the spectrum of notes from G to A that can echo out the cheeks due to doppler effect and the windspeed, bearing from the north tegectory and star patterns...
it is also SCP - 6669/11 and it is classified as keter as it is known as "the last sound you hear"
'the story being of a scientist working on something when they hear ass-cheeks clapping and slowly comming closer and closer till they got so loud it the sound ruptured her ears and caused her head to explode spontaneously'
and it is contained via soundproof walls.

"definition: of Ultransynininthrianisticallism:"
she clapped for me with a certain "Ultransynininthrianisticallism" to a degree.
Ultransynininthrianisticallism can be used to describe seth everman's work or the chairman rose theme from pokemon.
example of:
my son is a dissapointment, i thought he was gaming and i went into his room to ask whether he was winning instead his asscheeks were clapping in a "Ultransynininthrianisticallism" of noise.

by HauntingPast July 19, 2020