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Herk is a quality or state of being Herk, or an act or idea that exhibits properties of being stupid.6 In a character study of "The Herk" attributed to the Greek philosopher Theophrastus (c. 371 รขย€ย“ c. 287 BC), herk was defined as "mental slowness in speech or action". The modern English word "herk" has a broad range of application, from being slow of mind (indicating a lack of intelligence, care or reason), dullness of feeling or sensation (torpidity, senseless, insensitivity), or lacking interest or point (vexing, exasperating). It can either imply a congenital lack of capacity for reasoning, or a temporary state of daze, or slow-mindedness.

"You really herked that up Karen!", "He is so herk that he can only sign his name with a crayon!", "What a fucking herk, he doesn't know what 2+2 is!"

by Herkalicious October 2, 2018

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