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A Chinese rip off of Bape. A vacuuming ape

Yo where you get that vape. At the 99 cent store

by Himatbye January 10, 2019

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A prick/bitch, he talks shit, says he is white and is a pussy. has the most punchable face.

yo, look at that Maxwell, don't you just want to slap that face. He's a bitch
Maxell: a bit

by Himatbye January 9, 2019

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


nickname for Female Norwegian Elkhound breed; stems from middle-eastern routes. Sometimes abbreviated into Momo.

your Mohammed is very obedient

Your Momo is very obedient

by Himatbye January 9, 2019

18πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a term used to describe being hypnotized by long sideburns. Stems from Nishy a word describing long sideburns

I'm getting NishyNishy
don't look into those sideburns or else you'll get real NishyNishy

by Himatbye January 9, 2019


When your sideburns touch the floor. in ancient times it is said a Nish stored their magical powers in their sideburns. Also can be used twice in speedy repetition NishyNishy.

Yo look at that Nishy
My dude its time to shave your Nishy
NishyNishyNishy can't you see sometimes your sideburns hypnotize me

by Himatbye January 9, 2019

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a person who hates trees and destroy them any chance they get

yo dont be a treeminator
its the treeminator runnnn

by Himatbye January 11, 2019


A straight God. Once sad to be rank Legend, Feared for his skinny arodinamic fingers, praised for his dual weild Clash Royal plays.

yo Brandon's a goooooooooooood
"yoooooooooo look at how that Brandon uses his two fingers" "look at how aerodynamic they are"

by Himatbye January 9, 2019

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž