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A prick/bitch, he talks shit, says he is white and is a pussy. has the most punchable face.

yo, look at that Maxwell, don't you just want to slap that face. He's a bitch
Maxell: a bit

by Himatbye January 9, 2019

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Maxell is the hottest boy in the world, you need a boyfriend like him. He beats any boyfirneds

omg, hes such a maxell

by DeezNutsMcgee October 7, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Maxell is a straight man that owns the biggest dick in his regional area.

Oh my God, I wish to be a Maxell

by Maxellellellell November 25, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Maxelle (Or commonly known as Max and Danielle) is a popular ship shipped by (clearly) everyone. The ship is commonly referred to as sailing as opposed to sinking and should be remembered forever.

Maxelle can also be used as β€œMaxelling” for when two people meet on a cruise ship and get funky in a room.

Kathy maxelled Tommy

by D0ubl3Diam0nd December 25, 2017

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A Shitty American Company that makes cheap burnable CD's. The Cd's are, of course being shitty, are only writable and not rewritable. THey all around suck with a capacity of just 19 songs at VERY MOST.

"Yea Kerry was to cheap to buy the good stuff so he bought hte shitty maxell ones."

by Justin March 25, 2005

4πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


amazing bitch

you are such a maxel

by Amazing Pizza231 April 21, 2021

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