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A fan of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Often male, but female fans are not uncommon. (plural: bronies)

Bronies usually show a want to be accepted as normal people, but don't appear to realise that to be treated the same as anyone else, they need to stop making sure everyone knows and remembers that they are a brony at all times, without fail. They also don't appear to understand that most people don't appreciate the internet being taken over by their fandom, which is another main cause for the hate of bronies.

Person: Oh hey, you seem pretty okay, want to talk?
Brony: Oh, hi! By the way, I'm a brony.
Person: Uh, thats... cool?
Brony: yeah, I watch FiM every day. Hey, who's your favorite pony?
Person: Uh... I don't watch it.

Brony: Oh, I should show you! Let me show you it, you'll love it forever!
Person: No really, I'm fine... can we talk about something else?
Brony: Ooh, look, something that looks vaguely pony shaped! It looks just like -pony name-!
Person: Okay... I'm done. *Walks away*

(In case you haven't noticed yet, this is a HINT. Please, bronies, listen to me, for the sake of yourselves and everyone else)

by HintHint September 5, 2013

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Baww raid

When a group of people spam a person's personal page or chat after the person offends one of their friends. Common practice among wolfaboos and therians.

Therian: OMG you made one of our pack members cry, I'm going to find you and rip out your throat in your sleep!

Therian 2: Yeah! No one messes with our pack!1!!!!1 Wolfs are awesome!1!

Baww raid victim: Yeah, whatever. You're not wolves, you know.

by HintHint February 21, 2013

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A sexuality that consists of someone being aroused by the idea of themselves being the opposite sex. Not to be confused with transsexualism, which is a medical condition defined by sex dysphoria.

Autogynephiles are a source of false information about transsexual people, and are very harmful to the medical care of transsexuals, as they make a lot of people believe that transsexualism is the result of autogynephilia. Autogynephiles are also known as crossdreamers as an attempt to seem less dangerous.

Autogynephiles often go through medical transition to satisfy their fetish, and will often cause themselves discomfort, or dysphoria, with their sex as a result. Autogynephilia is harmful to transsexuals, as autogynephiles are a large part of the de-transitioning demographic that makes medical care for transsexuals difficult to acquire.

by HintHint June 13, 2014

446πŸ‘ 944πŸ‘Ž

Free hour in the ball pit

A phrase used to express sarcastic congratulations to completion of a stupid task or a task that results in unexpected negative results. This originates from the first annual dashcon, in which attendees were conned into donating a large sum of money which they were told was needed for the hotel to allow the on to stay, but when asked the hotel staff knew nothing of this fee.

Tumblr user: Let's attempt to raid 4chan!

Normal human being: Wonderful logic. Would you like a free hour in the ball pit?

by HintHint July 13, 2014

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A popular online game made by Gamevial, where you play as various animals, and hunt or escape to survive. It would have huge potential, if it were not for the ease found in hacking the game, and the unplayability of the singleplayer. Hackers are able to teleport, kill players from a huge distance, and make themselves invincible, which makes playing multiplayer with a hacker an infuriating experience. Singleplayer isn't much different, as the NPC creatures can tell exactly where the player is, and will immediately crowd to kill the player, making it difficult to survive for longer than a few minutes. For these reasons, Lif is sometimes known as one of the most infuriating games on the internet.

The game is also hindered by the mass of young teens claiming entire servers for their wolf RPs.

"Hey, do you play Lif?"
"I did... but then I got sick of being stuck on servers with Aylin and getting killed instantly."

"How do people get the top scores on Lif?"
"Hackers, my friend... hackers."

by HintHint October 18, 2013

32πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe an online group or community that has a large amount of people who claim ridiculous or far-fetched things. This usually includes rpers in a non-rp community. This is most commonly found in spiritual and supernatural-based communities.

Have you seen the forums lately? They've turned into a massive fluffbucket. Someone claimed that they shapeshifted into a wolf last week, and now everyone's claiming that they can see aliens walking around.

by HintHint December 13, 2013

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A process undergone by women in their late 40s to early 50s, involving the cessation of production of estrogen, and the brain chemicals responsible for empathy. Women undergoing menopause will develop an insatiable thirst for wine, but by this need quickly disappears as the process is completed, leaving only a single desire- to speak to the manager.

Menopause is the leading cause for wine mums.

by HintHint January 10, 2019

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