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When a man gets off on the idea of being a woman.

He's watching porn while imagining himself as the girl again. He has autogynephilia.

by reddit.com/r/ItsAFetish June 11, 2020

449πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


A sexuality that consists of someone being aroused by the idea of themselves being the opposite sex. Not to be confused with transsexualism, which is a medical condition defined by sex dysphoria.

Autogynephiles are a source of false information about transsexual people, and are very harmful to the medical care of transsexuals, as they make a lot of people believe that transsexualism is the result of autogynephilia. Autogynephiles are also known as crossdreamers as an attempt to seem less dangerous.

Autogynephiles often go through medical transition to satisfy their fetish, and will often cause themselves discomfort, or dysphoria, with their sex as a result. Autogynephilia is harmful to transsexuals, as autogynephiles are a large part of the de-transitioning demographic that makes medical care for transsexuals difficult to acquire.

by HintHint June 13, 2014

446πŸ‘ 944πŸ‘Ž


The name for a discredited theory that transgender women are merely sexual perverts. The idea is that trans women get aroused by the thought of being women, and because of that arousal go on to present as women.

It is not possible because of gender dysphoria, the idea that it is uncomfortable to present for an extended period of time as the other gender. As soon as such a person ceased to be aroused, he would become very uncomfortable indeed.

That it is incredible, and divorced from reality, does not stop transphobes from using it to attack trans women and feel good about themselves excluding us.

"All trans women have autogynephilia. They're all disgusting and should not be allowed near children."

by Argyllshire Lassie April 3, 2016

262πŸ‘ 1080πŸ‘Ž


A nonexistent disorder said to be of a man who gets off to being a woman. It is most frequently used to demean transgender women as "fetishistic men".

"What an ugly man in a dress - his autogynephilia is showing."

by thebigburrito January 31, 2021

62πŸ‘ 329πŸ‘Ž


Autogynephilia is a made-up β€œmental illness” made by Ray Blanchard and Kurt Freund in the 1980s. It is the idea that transgender women are just super fucking gay men. This idea is quickly discarded when you realize that 1) transgender men exist, and 2) many transgender women are into other women.

Autogynephilia is commonly believed by transphobes such as Republicans, Bible-thumpers, TERFs, and Internet trolls.

I'm not going to come out to my stepmother until she dies, because she believes in autogynephilia.

by cutesy pastel living doll September 16, 2018

49πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž