Source Code


AKA Patrick Star

"Hey Patrick."
"I thought of something funnier than 24."
"Lemme hear it."
*uncontrollable giggling ensues*

by ICRIEVRYTIEM August 8, 2016


You might as well drink bleach rather than like this shitty, clickbait-filled mess of a Facebook page (unless you have a hard-on for that stuff). If you are a gamer, stay the fuck away from it like it's cancer, only contagious.

"Huh, I don't know what all the fuss is about that Videogamemes page. Might as well go check it out..."

*Drinks bleach and dies*

by ICRIEVRYTIEM July 30, 2016

The Way

A VRChat meme that has become a wey of life for Ugandan Knuckles, devil-worshipers, and anime/weeaboo queens everywhere.

Do you know the way?
Yes my brudda, I know da wey!

by ICRIEVRYTIEM January 10, 2018

22👍 8👎

Run Forrest Run

A phrase from the movie "Forrest Gump" that is sometimes annoyingly used to cheer on unsuspecting cross country runners.

"Run Forrest Run!"
"Please, shut the fuck up."

by ICRIEVRYTIEM June 20, 2016

24👍 7👎