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A super-cool jewish kid. Funny, and smart. Will do your homework. Usually either have a very large dick, or a super small dick, but it doesnt matter, because he is super kewl.

My friend Sapenoff is so cool! Will never make it with a girl, but its ok, he'll be all right, he is really rich.

Why is he gunna be rich?

He's jewish...duh..


Miley cyrus

A monstocity from Japan back in WW2. She was being tested as a secret spy by acting like an annoying singing texan girl in the United States do discover the secret military action in order to gain the USA's intellegence. Sadly, the US dropped the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima during the experiment. With everyone dead, nothing could stop the horrific machine from breaking loose over Japan. With the power of Immortality, she destroyed Nagasaki (The US took the credit since we were the cool guys in ww2) with her horrible singing. the death toll was in the millions. With 2 of the most important Japanese cities destryed, she transformed into a submarine and landed in the US in 1962. 20 or so years later, she killed a baby inside a womb and called the womb her home. She was "Born" and became to be what is now knows as Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montanna

You hear the legend about Miley Cyrus?
Yeah, but the goverment said it isnt true.
God damnit im going to figure out the story beihnd Miley if its the last thing i do!


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