When a Utah Driver is driving in the complete opposite lane of an exit or a turn they need. Because they're Utards, they realize at the last second that they need to get to the other side of the road and instantly weave across multiple lanes of traffic without ever looking and almost causing fatal crashes. If they're on a freeway, sometimes they barely miss the crash barrels as they exit off the freeway.
"OH SH**! That Utard almost caused me to crash when they Utah Weave'd across the 4 lanes of the freeway!"
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Although while in most states, they're struggling to keep their drivers from driving OVER the speed limit. This is not the case in Utah. The Utah Speed Limit, depending on how many lanes of traffic, is 5-15mph below the normal speed limit. On a 4 lane road (2 for each direction) it will be at least 10mph under. On a six lane (3 each direction) it will be at least 5mph under.
"WE'RE NOT EVEN GOING 30mph! We're going freaking 20mph!"
"Dude, it's the Utah Speed Limit...."
"Well, then make a SPEED MINIMUM!"
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