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A group of nerdy Christian homeschoolers who think they know what they are doing, who have devolved to become an off-brand of the NCFCA. They find their "joy" in arguing with each other, and parents who simply have had enough of continuous arguing think they know what they are doing, who have de-evolved to become an off-brand of the NCFCA. You've heard of them simply because of the low level of competition, and lack of skill required to compete.

If you've ever missed a STOA tournament, don't worry, it's probably still going. We rarely hear of tournaments because all most all of them have been on hold thanks to the amazing coordination staff, and the parents who call themselves "tabulation".

Unfortunately, I compete in STOA, or The NCFCA is way better than STOA.

by JSMMemer January 30, 2021

16👍 2👎


A group of nerdy Christian homeschoolers who think they know what they are doing, who have devolved to become an off-brand of the NCFCA. They find their "joy" in arguing with each other, and their parents who simply have had enough of continuous arguing sent them there just to have some peace and quiet You've heard of them simply because of the low level of competition, and lack of skill required to compete. You may have heard about how many people (or so few people) come out without contracting some deadly virus...

If you've ever missed a STOA tournament, don't worry, it's probably still going. We rarely hear of tournaments because almost all of them have been on hold thanks to the amazing coordination staff, and the parents who call themselves "tabulation" as well as those kids who never show up.

Unfortunately, I compete in STOA, or The NCFCA is way better than STOA.
Did you hear how 70% of the STOAers died from a common cold?
STOA NITOC is a piece of cake

by JSMMemer February 21, 2021

5👍 1👎