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1. To make bigger; to increase the size of; to magnify. Not a standard word; often used for the humor derived from the fact that it mimics the sound of other real, often technical-sounding words ending in -fy, such as "magnify," "rarefy," "terrify," and "mollify."

Compare: embiggen, smallify

"On this webpage, you will find pictures from my vacation. Click to biggify."
"Gentlemen. We must biggify our endeavors."
"That font looks kinda small. You should biggify it."

by Jack-o-Rabbit November 23, 2009

5👍 3👎



1. To make smaller; to decrease the size or scope of. Not a standard word; often used for the humor derived from the fact that it mimics the sound of other real, often technical-sounding words ending in -fy, such as "magnify," "rarefy," "terrify," and "mollify."

Compare: biggify, embiggen

"Whoa whoa whoa, this picture is way too big. Smallify that shit, please."
"We decided to smallify the layout of the room."

by Jack-o-Rabbit November 23, 2009

5👍 2👎