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What you call yourself that awkward summer between freshman and sophomore year of high school/college

Someone asked me what grade I was in last summer and I just replied freshmore

by Jezij November 3, 2018

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Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?

The best way to answer the phone, from the Christmas movie Elf

I got a scam call so I answered the phone with "Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?"

by Jezij December 18, 2018

Life is life

The best response to the pointless question "how's life?"

Them: Hey dude! How's life?
You knowing this is a horrible conversation starter: life is life

by Jezij August 31, 2018

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Chat of snap


Let's take pictures on the chat of snap.

by Jezij August 9, 2018

Spidget Finners

Now irrelevant hand spinners that are said to help you focus. AKA fidget spinners

I can't believe I wasted money on so many spidget finners when I knew the trend would die out

by Jezij December 7, 2018

Smarticle Particles

Particles that make you smart

I'm a genius, I got smarticle particles!

by Jezij August 27, 2018

Flix of net


Let's watch movies on the flix of net

by Jezij September 8, 2018