Source Code

Cheney The Bitch

When a man orgasm's on a woman's face. Similar to the fashion that Dick Cheney shoots his buddies in the face.

Bob: I heard you're gonna hook up with Brenda
Steve: Yeah, I'm gonna Cheney The Bitch

by JoeJoeBuffalo September 13, 2007

173πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Acid Rot

The steady decline of muscular function, speech, provocative thought, etc. due to the regular use of L.S.D. This is mostly attributed to the holes that are eaten into your brain tissue by the constant bombardment of dangerous chemicals.

Dalton: Hey Dwayne, you wanna go shoot some hoops?

Dwayne: I can't lift a basketball, man. I'm gonna go trip on acid, wanna come?

Dalton: Sure.

Peter: Remember Jimbo? He used to be in advanced classes when he was in 8th grade, what ever happened to him?

Laverne: Poor kid got Acid Rot. I guess all he does now is sit at home and watch reruns of Pokemon.

Peter: That's sad, I wonder if he can get me any acid?

Scott: Please think for me, I can't bare to. I'll just lie here for a while. Wet myself, wet my bed.

Mary: I heard you're looking for me, I brought you your last cigarette too!

Scott: Water cleanses you know.

by JoeJoeBuffalo June 16, 2009

68πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


While the term may have originated by Limbaugh encouraging people who enjoyed the show to just say "ditto", the word has now evolved to mean a blind follower of Rush's twisted logic.

A true dittohead would follow Rush Limbaugh blindly into the depths of hell if they thought he would allow them to touch one of his Oxycontin stained fingertips.

Bob: Rush Limbaugh is such a visionary. I would give my left testicle to share my Oxycontin prescription with him.

Steve: Why man, Rush Limbaugh is worth $500 million that the government knows of. He can afford to buy a child from South America and pay his way through medical school just so poor little Emanuel Limbaugh will be able to someday write Rush whatever prescription suits him that day.

Bob: Wow Steve, you are an idiot, Rush is just like you and me!!! He knows what's best for the people!!! HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY GOD!!!!

Steve: Sorry man. (Walks away)

(Bob remains infuriated for days not realizing that he's a typical "dittohead")

by JoeJoeBuffalo April 30, 2009

455πŸ‘ 269πŸ‘Ž

Mother Fool

This is a G rated way to say Mother Fucker. Most often seen on movies adapted from the big screen to television.

Using this phrase, directors allow for a smooth flow of dialog while still getting the intended message across to the audience.

Yo Mother Fool, Ima cap yo big sass.

Yo Mother Fucker, Ima cap yo bitch ass.

Further translation (to English):
Hello person that I dislike greatly, I am going to use this opportunity to shoot you utilizing my illegal handgun.

by JoeJoeBuffalo September 21, 2009

51πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


This term is used for Facebook buddies, most commonly people that you hardly know in real life.

The abbreviation stands for: Facebook Friends For Life.

See also: Facebookemon

Robert: Looks like I have yet another random friend request on Facebook. Oh well, I'll add them. Maybe we can be 3FL!

by JoeJoeBuffalo August 6, 2009

45πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Peanut Stick

1. When intercourse is being performed in a sandy location, the male will pull his penis out of the vagina, slide it in the sand, and re-insert it into the vagina. Thus giving the woman a Peanut Stick.

2. A delicious confection treat dipped in peanuts. ex. Donut

Bob: Man, I really gave her the old peanut stick last night.

Steve: Ooooh that must have hurt!!!

Bob: Not me, that's why I wear a condom. ;-)

by JoeJoeBuffalo August 5, 2007

105πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A person of Cuban descent who tends to lean towards Jewish tendencies. This type of person will always find the cheaper way to do something.

Joe: Hey look, the record store has a sale on Ricky Martin Cd's, your favorite Hispanic singer/songwriter. Would you care for a ride to go buy one?
Don: No way!!! I'd rather wait until I can pick one up from the free section of Craigslist.
Joe: You may be waiting a while.
Don: Who cares? I'm not spending 3 of my hard earned dollars on something I know I can find cheaper.
Ricky Martin: Don, you are such a Juban.

by JoeJoeBuffalo April 7, 2009

129πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž