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A non-relevant swine that guilts in it’s steps causing trouble or ugliness

Shelly- You are a Shwazzle
Quelly- BUT I am not ugly or guilty!

by Joeyandkal January 6, 2020


When you take a bit of a too big shit that clogs your toilet. All of the toilet paper gets stuck and you do not know what to do. The toilet begins to over flow. Of course you do not use your arms. This is where PlungerBoi comes in. You grab him and put him in the toilet water to the bottom hole where it is stuck. The PlungerBoi will suction the toilet paper and poo that was doing the dirty. Once done, reflush the toilet and you are as good as new!

Man: *Takes a too big shit*
Toilet: *Over flows*
Man: *Has a panic attack*
PlungerBoi: No worries, I am here to rescue!
Man: Oh thank god!
Man: *Shoves him in*
PlungerBoi: *Does his thing*
Man: Yay! All done!

by Joeyandkal October 18, 2019


Best person ever existing I bet you did not know he will soon take over the world in a good way! MEGELET fans only! We stand megelet

Megelet: *Plays tower of hell*
Megelet: *dies and leaves*

by Joeyandkal October 18, 2019


When you have lice on your butt.

Danielle Cohn: *Has buttlice*
Dani: *Bootiepops the buttlice off*

by Joeyandkal October 18, 2019

8👍 1👎



*ryan rolls*


by Joeyandkal December 7, 2019

Naked Molerat

Noun 1. naked mole rat - fetal-looking colonial rodent of East Africanaked mole rat - fetal-looking colonial rodent of East Africa; neither mole nor rat; they feed on tubers and have a social structure similar to that of honeybees and termites
fossorial mammal - a burrowing mammal having limbs adapted for digging
order Rodentia, Rodentia - small gnawing animals: porcupines; rats; mice; squirrels; marmots; beavers; gophers; voles; hamsters; guinea pigs; agoutis
queen mole rat, queen - an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males.

Mole rats tend to look like shaved rats.

The word above "Molerat" is the correct spelling for the word. It is very easy to misspell a word like Molerat

Common misspellings
moleraat moleraet molerait moleret molereet molereat molereit molerit moleriit moleriet molert moleerat molirat molearat molaerat molarat molrat mollerat morerat morrerat molierat moelerat moilerat moererat moreerat moeratm moleratn oleratn moleratm nolerat nnolerat olerat moolerat mohlerat mholerat mlerat molerrat molelat molellat moleaat moleat moleratt molerate molerata molerath moleraht moleratw molerawt molerad molera
mulerat mulrat malrat mallrat

Word analysis of molerat
Length 7
Vocals molerat
Consonants molerat
MD5 1b3270889b31165f0654268a8bf82c5d
SHA1 0325c68e915ae72bd45e3d711dc814d310316e8c

Man: That Naked Molerat really is looking fine.

Lady: Wow it looks awfully weird though

by Joeyandkal January 6, 2020

Dancing Peppa

A peppa pig that dances on her pole that is straighter tHen your mom she does cool things on the pole.

No one:

Absolutely nobody:
Peppa: Somebody come get her she’s dancing like a stripper

~Dancing Peppa~

by Joeyandkal October 18, 2019

6👍 1👎