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A molerat is a very beautiful creature that is a force to be reckoned with. A molerat will cut your d!ck off if you say it’s ugly. The molerat does not mess around. They are very smart, gorgeous , and loving creatures who you can always count on to beat a b!tch up for you. Get your self a friend like a molerat! Also molerat are the daddies of all dads, trust me.

“What the flying fúçk? That molerat just bit my booty!”

by moleratsAremyDad January 1, 2019

13👍 2👎


When you say molerat, whatever you are saying has to be utterly and completely true.

"Did you have sex with my girlfriend?"

"No I didn't, I swear!"



by molerat7586735812653812 March 26, 2010

15👍 18👎


A poor 'white trash' type female with 'rat like' features,
(pointed nose, thin face, tail, etc.) considered to be a slut or a hooker.

Man! What did you think you were doing taking that girl out? Everyone knows that she's a molerat!

Whoa? That feral girl slept with the whole football team? Seems like a molerat to me!

by Lorii June 25, 2007

12👍 18👎


Crazy dark haried female, liable to eat sugar and talk shit.

Naked molerat say punk ass mothafukka

by Mole Catcher July 29, 2004

7👍 19👎


A person that stays in their burrow or home all day and doesn’t leave it no matter what. A homebody

Nima: Want to hang out later?

Andre: No
Nima: Youre a molerat, you never want to hang out

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019

9👍 2👎

naked molerat

Somebody who has the complusion to defecate in the nude.

Ryan is a total naked molerat! I walked in on him in the bathroom and he wasn't wearing any clothes!

by chupacabra1998 April 30, 2010

41👍 11👎

naked molerat

Term used to describe a fully shaved vagina.

Girl one: You ready for your big date tonight?
Girl two: Yeah, I beze sporting a naked molerat.

by 4evabig March 16, 2008

14👍 7👎