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Stupid assholes from outta town that take pictures of anything and everything and annoy the crap out of all the locals and will stand in the middle of the road, block traffic and almost get hit by a car to take a fucking picture of a church!

btw, I live in alaska
Tourist: what sea level are we at?
Local: about two feet

Tourist: what's that big lake over there?
Local: that would be the ocean

Tourist: How do you say this word in alaskan?
Local: I have no idea
Tourist: Don't you speak alaskan or eskimo?
Local: no, all the eskimos are extinct (walks away)

Tourist: Me and my family have been here all day and we haven't seen any eskimos!!!
Local: thats because all the eskimos and natives are nocturnal, they all come out at night and do their tlingit dances by the fireside. (sarcasm)

by Jordan<3 August 14, 2006

269👍 75👎


The only holiday where you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks.

Merry 4 month early Christmas

by Jordan<3 August 14, 2006

91👍 29👎