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The act or practice of masturbating in public view, especially when inadvertent.

A descriptor for one who is likely to be caught masturbating in public, or who is known for doing so.

Note: Not to be used as a present participle. "Toobing," therefore, is incorrect. Toobin' is the complete word. One is Toobin', or he (or she!) can be a Toobin', if used as an adjective.

Origins: Used in reference to Jeffrey Toobin, a prominent legal commentator who was caught inadvertently masturbating on a video conference call with his colleagues.

verb: "Ah man, did Marco get caught Toobin' again? That's the fourth time this year!"
adj.: "Do you know Sandy, from accounting? She's a real Toobin', which I find awesome but HR apparently doesn't approve."

by JustToobin'Around May 29, 2024