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An reddit comunity created by idiots with IQ lower than room temperature that say gamers are nazis and racists

Guy 1:"So, what have you done last week?"
Guy 2:"i have been posting the horrible stories about gamers in r/banvideogames"
Guy 1: "Fucking idiot"

by Justpassinghereman May 2, 2020

18👍 34👎


Banvideogames is a Subreddit where Idiots create made up stories about gamers being Nazis and Racists

Person 1: "So man, what have you been up to?"
Person 2: "I've been showing how horrible Gamers are in r/banvideogames"
Person 1:"Fucking idiot"

by Justpassinghereman May 2, 2020

8👍 19👎