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adjective: A limousine that is a piece of shit and is constantly breaking down.

I rented a car and driver to take me and my girl to the prom, but it was a lemonsine and we never made it.

by Kheoleo May 12, 2022


Dining-gall: (noun) A place where people with terrible table manners eat.

Man, you eat like a fucking pig. Get your ass over to the dining-gall.

by Kheoleo January 7, 2019


verb: To startle someone with a short, loud, ripping fart.

Fuck man, you fartled me and I spilled my beer!

by Kheoleo May 12, 2022


Incredidull: An adjective which describes an incredibly dull person, place or thing.

I went on a blind date the other night. The girl was hot but incredidull. It ain't gonna work out.

by Kheoleo January 7, 2019