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The Great Depression

The Great Depression, also known as 8th Grade, is the most edgy year of someone's life. From this point on, you will only go down hill into the memes and tumblr pages. You WILL tell your parents that gaming is not a phase, and that "I need to be experimental like everyone else". You will also start to do what you think is cool amongst High Schoolers, but is really only done by the typical Sophomore Stoners who always sneak out of class to go to the Sophomore Juul Room. That's about it. That's The Great Depression.

Typical 8th grader being edgy: "I just can't be happy anymore.... **typing a noose**"
Another 8th grader being edgy: "Do it u wont"

High Schooler who already went through the phase: "Aaah, I can already see The Great Depression rising in their eyes."

by Kiakyu March 22, 2019

18👍 6👎

Sophomore Juul Room

This is also known as the bathroom. Sophomore's always use the bathroom to juul in. They sneak out of class like little slippery lil snakes and go straight to the bathroom to juul. This is why the bathroom is now "Sophomore Juul Room"

Student A: "Hey where did (insert stereotypical sophomore name) go?"

Student B: "Oh, I saw them sneak out of class, they said they'd be back soon"

Student A: "That figures. Must have gone to the Sophomore Juul Room"

by Kiakyu March 22, 2019