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taking a small drag of someone's cigarette/pipe

can I have a sip of that?

by Lyndsey July 5, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Female variety of Spide (Northern Ireland) or Chav (Mainland UK). Millies were first established in the 1960s when then worked in the Mills. Financially challenged and burdened with 10 kids by the age of 19, the chain smoking, gum-smacking hoorbags reproduced at astounding rates with their spide counterparts to form the population of council estates. They then spilled out into the wider suburbs of Belfast, infiltrating every park and street corner in Glengormley, Carrickfergus, Bangor and Antrim. The collective noun is Wall, ie A Wall of Millies - demonstrated by their linking of arms in a chain with a minimum of 10 Millies (aka Millbags).

Your Ma's a millie

That slag that wears 1000 gold necklaces, is pregnant and smokes fegs...is a Millie

by Lyndsey October 27, 2004

323๐Ÿ‘ 283๐Ÿ‘Ž