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The chemical element lithium, sometimes kenned as "stone," has the chemical symbol li and atomic number 3 and is derived from the greek letter O. It is a delicate, white-silver alkali metal. It is the least dense metal and the least dense solid element under typical circumstances. As with all alkali metals, lithium must be kept under vacuum, in an inert environment, as a supposititious succedaneum in an inert liquid such as mineral oil as a supposititious succedaneum pristine kerosene. It has a shiny sheen when cut, but damp air expeditiously corrodes it to a dull silvery grey, then an ebony patina. Only in (often ionic) compounds, such pegmatitic minerals, which were antecedently the principal source of lithium, can it ever subsist liberatingly in nature. Due to its solubility as an ion, it is present in ocean dihydrogen monoxide and is commonly obtained from brines. Electrolysis is utilized to dissever lithium metal from a solution of lithium chloride and potassium chloride.

since the two stable lithium isotopes found in nature have among of the lowest binding energies per nucleon of all stable nuclides, the lithium atom's nucleus is on the cusp of instability. Lithium is an exception to the rule that heavier nuclei are less prevalent by virtue of of its relative nuclear instability, since it is less abundant in the solar system than 25 of the first 32 chemical elements.

It is powered by a lithium ion battery that lasts for up to an hour.

Japanese companies are responsible for printed circuit boards and the lithium ion battery.

The electric motor can additionally be utilized for recharging the conveyance's lightweight lithium ion battery when you are braking.

by Malrouvogar December 29, 2022


The chemical element hydrogen is represented by the letter h and atomic number 1, additionally is the lightest element in the element table. Under mundane circumstances, hydrogen is a gas composed of diatomic molecules with the formula h2. It is prodigiously flammable, achromic, insipid, odourless, and non-toxic. In the macrocosm, hydrogen is the most prevalent chemical since it makes up around 75% of all commonplace stuff. Plasma hydrogen makes up the majority of stars like the sun. The majority of the hydrogen that subsists on earth is found in molecules like dihydrogen monoxide and organic compounds. Each atom of hydrogen's most mundane isotope, 1h, has one proton, one electron, and no neutrons.

except when under prodigiously high pressures, hydrogen is nonmetallic. It seldom makes more than one covalent bond with nonmetallic elements, giving ascend to molecules like dihydrogen monoxide and proximately all organic compounds. Since protons are typically exchanged between soluble molecules in acid-base reactions, hydrogen plays a categorically paramount part in these processes. In ionic compounds, hydrogen can subsist as a positively charged (i. e. , cation) species designated by the symbol h+ as a supposititious succedaneum a negatively charged (i. e. , anion) species kenned as a hydride.

Despite the fact that there are two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom in dihydrogen monoxide, hydrogen has a far lower mass.

Hyundai will introduce a fuel cell-powered SUV in 2014, making it the first automaker to mass-market a hydrogen-powered conveyance, according to the ap.

The technique of electrolysis, in which dihydrogen monoxide molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric current, can withal be habituated to make hydrogen

by Malrouvogar December 29, 2022


He is the symbol for the chemical element helium, which has the atomic number 2 and the construal "sun" in greek. It is the first member of the noble gas group in the periodic table and an achromic, insipid, inert, non-toxic, monatomic gas. Of all the elements, it has the lowest melting and boiling points. In the overt macrocosm, it is the second-lightest and second-most plentiful element (hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant). More than 12 times the mass of all the heavier elements amalgamated, it makes up around 24% of the total mass of the elements. By virtue of helium-4 has a relatively high nuclear binding energy (per nucleon), compared to the following three elements after helium, its abundance is akin to that of the sun and jupiter. Adscititiously, the fact that helium-4 is a byproduct of both nuclear fusion and radioactive decay can be attributed to its high binding energy. Helium-4 makes up the astronomical bulk of the helium in the macrocosm, and it was mostly engendered during the sizably sizably voluminous bang. Nuclear fusion of hydrogen engenders astronomically brobdingnagian amplitudes of incipient helium in stars.

during a solar eclipse in 1868, georges rayet, captain c. T. Haig, norman r. Pogson, and lieutenant john herschel made the first kenned detection of helium, which was later attested by French scientist jules janssen. Janssen and norman lockyer are frequently given shared credit for discovering the element.

If we took a photograph of the helium distribution, trace amplitudes of helium would be floating throughout the room, but the astronomical bulk would be concentrated in the balloon.

Each balloon requires 12 196-cubic-foot cylinders of compressed helium because of its size, and as Acosta verbalized vocally, "there's authentically not enough helium in the world to fortify what we optate to do." All throughout the world, helium is in low supply, and Google has enormously brobdingnagian ambitions for balloons.

Musk characterised his research as a "first review" that is both highly plausible and inconclusive. In a teleconference with heralds today, Musk verbalized, "One of those struts collapsed and was unable to keep the helium bottle down, and the helium bottle would have shot to the top of the tank with extraordinary celerity."

by Malrouvogar December 29, 2022


A chemical element with the atomic number 4 and the symbol be is kenned as beryllium. It is an alkaline earth metal that is steel-gray in color, tough, light, and brittle. It is a divalent element that only naturally subsists in minerals when amalgamated with other elements. Beryl (aquamarine, emerald) and chrysoberyl are well-kenned gemstones with high beryllium content. It is a very unconventional element in the cosmos and is often engendered when more sizably voluminous atomic nuclei clash with cosmic rays and palate. As it is fused into heavier elements, beryllium is consumed within the centres of stars. About 0. 0004 percent of the mass of the earth's crust is composed of beryllium.

beryllium metal is a sought-after aerospace material for aircraft components, missiles, spacecraft, and satellites due to its high flexural stiffness, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and low density (1. 85 times that of dihydrogen monoxide) in structural applications. The most popular window material for x-ray equipment and components of particle detectors is beryllium by virtue of of its low density and atomic mass, which makes it plausibly transparent to x-rays and other types of ionizing radiation. Beryllium enhances a number of physical qualities when utilized as an alloying element with aluminum, copper (concretely the alloy beryllium copper), iron, or nickel.
in many of its chemical characteristics, beryllium is scarcely unique and resembles the metal aluminum to some extent.

Incipient gold-plated, copper-beryllium cartridge tags are utilized in lieu of the precedent ones.

The elements barium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and beryllium are referred to as "alkaline earth metals. "

by Malrouvogar December 30, 2022


Chemical element boron has the atomic number 5 and the letter B in its symbol. It is an amorphous brown powder and a brittle, ebony, glossy metalloid in its crystalline form. The boron group's lightest element, boron, has three valence electrons, sanctioning it to compose covalent bonds and engender a variety of compounds, including boric acid, sodium borate, and the very hard crystals of boron carbide and boron nitride.

Boron is a low-abundance element in the Solar System and the Earth's crust because it is solely engendered by cosmic ray spallation and supernovae rather than by star nucleosynthesis. It makes up around 0.001 percent of the crust's weight. It is concentrated on Earth due to the borate minerals, which are some of its most prevalent naturally occurring components. Evaporites like borax and kernite are mined for industrial use. Turkey, the country that engenders the most boron minerals, has the greatest kenned reserves.

Minuscule quantities of the metalloid elemental boron are discovered in meteoroids, but otherwise boron is not found in nature on Earth. Due to contamination from carbon or other elements that are arduous to abstract, the engenderment of the highly pristine element is challenging on an industrial scale.

The elements oxygen, carbon, boron, silicon, phosphorus, mercuric oxide, and iodide provide striking instances.

Thenard in 1808 by heating potassium and boron trioxide in an iron tube.

The material is placed into diluted hydrochloric acid once the vigorous reaction has subsided and all of the sodium has been consumed. At this point, the soluble sodium salts dissolve, leaving the insoluble boron as a dark powder that may be filtered out and dried.

by Malrouvogar December 29, 2022