Source Code

Horace Mann

Sack of shit bottom feeding son of a bitch who invented school.

"You know who Horace Mann is?"

"Yeah, he's a piece of shit"

by Marsh-052 March 29, 2022


A sound produced by Sarge from the web series Red vs Blue in episode 68, "Getting All Misty". After being attacked by Church from behind he shouts "geegagawboh" as he falls to the ground.

Sarge: Well I am the one who has to clean the shotgun later, and those solvents smell so-

Church sneaks up on Sarge and knocks him out with the butt end of his sniper rifle.

Church: Booya!

Sarge: Geegagawboh!

Simmons: Ooh, the back of your head.

by Marsh-052 January 18, 2022