Exactly what KKito said. However, while Telegram may seem like an instant messaging platform, it is more often used as a resource hub for valuable stuff pertaining to a specific niche. It is a bit like Microsoft Teams where you can upload files and it shows up inside a file tab, and everyone within the group can download the files.
When you join any Telegram group, the first place you should check is the group's Files tab. Who knows what sort of treasure you can find in there.
1) Christopher joined a random telegram group and found rare copies of celeb nudes from The Fappening
2) Charles joined a telegram group pertaining to Wii games and found a bunch of rare Wii ROMs in its files tab
3) Jesse joined many telegram groups but never talked in any of them. He was mostly there for the miscellaneous files/software that various users uploaded.
The Big Comfy Couch is a Canadian kids TV show that aired between 1992 to 2006. It is also occasionally used as a euphemism for Big Caucasian Cock.
Bf: Wanna come sit on my big comfy couch tonight?
Gf: Sure thing babe!
A useful set of 'refutational tools' whose usage is mainly seen in random internet arguments but can also equally be applied in the IRL realm too, such as against your wife or your boss. The former scenario is where people often abuse logical fallacies to the point of committing a fallacy fallacy, so be wise and use them sparingly and only as a supplement to your argument.
Also related to non sequitur.
1) Jim called out his boss by using logical fallacies to poke holes in his ridiculous decisions.
2) Tommy used logical fallacies to his advantage in order to expose the inconsistencies in his girlfriend's reasoning with regards to how he should spend his money.
It's a rhetorical question you say when somebody is on some other shit and/or acting all cocky
"What you just did is morally unacceptable, I'm going to expose you and hope you learn your lesson."
"Who do you think you are, Judge Judy?? LOL."
It's a rhetorical question you say when somebody is on some other shit and/or acting all cocky
"What you just did is morally unacceptable, I'm going to expose you and hope you learn your lesson."
"Who do you think you are, Judge Judy?? LOL."
It refers to "Type 2" Diabetes obviously. Used in a more informal way.
Friend 1: Hey wanna grab some ice cream?
Friend 2: Nah can't bro, I got that Type 2
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Somebody who is enlightened with the truth that spending money on a game is merely a flex and doesn't automatically make you a pro
Tom couldn't handle the truth that a default skin stole his victory royale even though he spent $10 on a battle pass
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