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1) The worst EDM genre ever.
2) The worst EDM genre ever.
3) The worst EDM genre ever.

"Hey I heard you like EDM, you listen to trance?"
"No but I listen to trap music"
"Ewww" *Unfriends*

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 15, 2022


The lazy (and less complicated) way of saying 'unnecessary'

It's so unessary to say unnecessary, dontcha think?

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 20, 2022


Everyone knows what anime is by now.

But it's arguably also one of the most basic examples of "cultural capital" (the sociological concept), especially and particularly for kids and teens at school.

If you're not a jock, preppy or just an all-round popular kid, then having some basic knowledge about anime is one of the most indispensable forms of cultural capital any kid could have in order to fit in. This is considerably more true today, as the antiquated stereotype that "anime is uncool/is for nerds/etc." is slowly waning.

And let me tell you, as someone who unfortunately lacked any knowledge of anime starting from 6th grade, I had trouble conversing with most of my (non-jock) classmates. This resulted in two unpleasant outcomes for me: be a loner or mingle with the rowdy jock kids. But that was 13 years ago. I would think most if not all kids today watch anime, since cable TV is a thing of the past.

Just like how an iPhone is worth a lot of money, being up-to-date with anime and weeb culture is worth a lot of cultural capital.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 26, 2024


It's like that one episode in spongebob where barnacle boy shines a flashlight at this dude in his car who's making out with his pillow. Replace that pillow cover with one that has an anime girl and you've got yourself a dakimakura.

Dirty Bubble: OH! *points at a car* Shine the flashlight in that car, Man Ray!
Man Ray: Hahahaha, with pleasure! *shines on a guy making out with his dakimakura*
Fish: Hey man that's not cool...

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 27, 2021

12👍 3👎


New AI model on the block that's smarter than ChatGPT, costs much less to operate, and guess what? It's free, bitches! Use this word in its verb form to describe literally anyone/anything that got owned due to the sheer intelligence and skill from an underdog.

Person 1: Bro ive been playing this game for years, ur about to get rekt. No way youre beating me.
Person 2: Hold my beer (Person 2 proceeds to absolutely destroy Person 1)
Person 1: WTF??!?!?
Person 2: That's right, get deepseek'ed dawg.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 8, 2025

TwitchCon 2022

The absolute worst TwitchCon event in the face of history. Everything was a disaster. Two people got severely injured after jumping into a poorly-padded ballpit. Twitch got two of the streamers' pronouns wrong and refused to correct it. Spaces were too overcrowded. And many of the attendees were generally lacking in common sense and respect for others, with some of them even stalking a CC into their hotels.

Person 1: Remember TwitchCon 2022?
Person 2: Yeah it was a total clusterfuck

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 19, 2022


A deadpan remark one says after getting fucked or upon realizing that they are fucked.

> le me about to get a 10 kill streak
> gets killed by a noobtuber
> fek

*me trying to walk as quiet as possible at 1am*
floorboard: *loud creaky noises*
me: fek

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 20, 2020

1👍 1👎