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Basically being sexually turned on by hurting others/getting hurt. Its also a part of BDSM and paired with sadism

Josh: "Ashley? She's super kinky."
Adam: "How so?"
Josh: "Last night, while we were having sex, she asked me to slap her across the face."

Adam: "Ah, so she's into masochism"

by MasochismQueen December 13, 2015

38👍 36👎


A compound word mixing the words sadism (sexual pleasure from hurting others) and masochism (the sexual pleasure from getting hurt. Psychologists recognize this as a sign of sexual/physical abuse from a person's past and it is also a psychological disorder. It is part of BDSM (bondage & submission, dominance & submission, and sadism & masochism). People aren't always a fan of doing both, but it is common.

Josh: "Are you into sadomasochism?"

Ashley: "I'm into being hurt and hurting during sex, so, yes"

by MasochismQueen December 13, 2015

12👍 4👎

Internet Roleplay

Internet Rolelplay is where people act out scenarios online. These can be sexual or nonsexual, and people can act as other ages. Anyone of any age can do this, but its weird when a prepubescent male or female wants to roleplay something sexual.

Amy: I really want to do an internet roleplay but I don't want to do pictures.

by MasochismQueen December 14, 2015

7👍 1👎