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blacky chan

a person who's parents consist of a chinese mother and a black father. the features on a blacky chan are very scary...

"i really saw a blacky chan on the beach in NJ and it was a scary sight. i have the picture to proove it!"

"man that blacky chan eats lo mein with kool-aid, and fried chicken with saki!"

by Meech May 27, 2005

42πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Department Of Motor Vehicles, AKA- the deep pits of hell, supposedly created to help you. It causes 95% of public violence in the USA and is responsible for over 300 suicides.

"They should have a man in the DMV punch you in the face the second you walk in to ease the pain of waiting in line at this sick twisted place."

by Meech March 29, 2005

990πŸ‘ 563πŸ‘Ž


Let it be. To surrender to peace, not war. Accepting life on life's terms, not by our own self-limiting egos.

Her family was getting on her nerves, watching TV, not helping out with chores around the house. "Why can't they help out more? I used to get pissed, but now I just lib. Peace, dudes. I'm gonna vegetate too!!"

by Meech February 23, 2004

41πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Shit And Run

This is a prank only pulled off by the professionals including my friend Darren. If you are getting a ride from anyone that you dont like or dont know, for example a taxi, then you calmy pull down your pants and take a shit in the back seat. As the smell reaches the driver's nose he will mostly likely turn around thinking what the fuck is that smell?? Then you yell o fuck watch out! This is best done at nighttime because the driver would probably slam the brakes. When the car stops you get out and run.

"Man Darren, that was smooth performing a shit and run in the back of Matt's car without using any T.P."

"Give that taxi driver a shit and run so you dont have to pay for the fare"

by Meech April 12, 2005

81πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


The act of using your fork 85% more often than the average human being causing you great deals of weight in pounds. It seems sometimes you cannot see or touch most parts of your body because you are too overcome in flab.

"Hey Rick, If Queen Latifah got rid of her obeseness by donating here whale blubber from her body to the government, we wouldnt have to pay for oil anymore...if only.."

"Ralphie May the comedian is 460 pounds last time i checked on that tv show, but that obese comedian is tons of fun."

by Meech March 29, 2005

124πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž


one who enjoys winding others up , by pissing them off and sitting back to watch the sparks fly as they kick seven shades of shite out of each other ,,,,like my boss catherine ,,,,,,lol

your nothing but a shit stirring we shite

by Meech October 9, 2004

26πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


a slang spoken when you can know longer talk right and call beer by the name "burr"
the word when a white person trys to be african american by using the "urr" at the end of the word beer

"yo 'g-dawg homie'let's go snag some burr to quench our thirst!"

"pass the burr"

by Meech May 22, 2005

12πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž