Teenage to twenties guys (usually from up North, aka, "Yankees", who come to Myrtle Beach, SC on vacation (usually with their families/friends) and pick up local girls. They usually travel in packs and are collectively referred to as "the Moolies" or "our Moolies" by the local girls who hang out with them for a week and then replace them with a new group of Moolies after their vacation is over. Frequently the girls don't bother to learn the names of the individual Moolies, and won't recognize a stray Moolie who has wandered from the pack.
Moolies are often Grommits.
girl (at the club): "Do you see our Moolies anywhere?"
cousin: "I see a couple of them. Not the cute ones though."
sister: "I can't tell if it's them when they are apart".
girl: "Let's go out to the beach and look for the Moolies".
sister: "I don't think I see them. Let's take a walk and find some new Moolies".
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