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Essex is a county in England with a bad reputation. From programmes like TOWIE most of England (and a lot of Essex) has the idea that all people from Essex do is claim benefits, get pregnant and vajazzle each other.

I live in Essex and this is not how it works. Essex is just as varied as any other county in England. I'm at secondary school and there are some chavs who can't speak proper English, but there are people like that all over the place. Most people at my school are completely comprehensible, though most of the girls have their skirts very short and their faces caked in make-up.

Geographically, Essex is the driest county in England and one of the most affluent. There is, however, a town called Harlow, which I think is probably one of the main sources of Essex's reputation. I've been to Harlow. It's not very nice.
London's influence on Essex is large, from proximity, and also from the fact that a lot of Londoners fled to Essex during WWII (and are the reason that Harlow exists today) so a lot of slang in Essex is from London. This includes slag, sket, slut etc. etc. The accent here is quite London-based.

They also say "ain't" a lot, though the whole 'Innit blud' is a myth. People only say that as a form of mockery. Ts at the end of words get dropped off, and sometimes in the middle as well. A'ichood instead of attitude, la'ichood instead of latitude. That's quite extreme though. People also say 'like' very often.

'Oi, mate, I'm goin' down Essex to see my gran.'
'Be careful you don' get knifed on the streets. That place is dodgy.'

by Naiss January 25, 2014

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