Meaning Drunk;
as in piss drunk
I was so pissed last night I passed out on my front lawn
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1. To talk crazy
2. to get all mushy (Mushy as in all sentimental and such.)
Gawd Raimi don't go all noodles on me.
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One of Halle Berry's favorite words (as told to Conan O'brien) used to describe clothes that are off the chain
Hey Halle that catwoman outfit is hot to death, can i borrow it sometime?
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1.Affectionate way of saying goodbye like saying smooches, or love ya, or peace.
2. Derrogatory term for dumb people
1. Em: Bye liz I'll se you later
Liz: Snooks
Em: Snooks
2. Hey look at those dumbass snooks over there.
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word used in the place of "bit"
as in: a bit(place word here.)
I think I'll go to bed now I'm a swell tired.
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Beyond Gay
(place extra emphasis on the word "over" )
Lisa: Would you ever cosider going with Dante'
Carrie: Are you out ya damn mind? I heard that boy was over the rainbow!
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to go absolutely ape shit.
aka a Conniption fit
My mum caught me and david doing it on the couch and had a total nip fit
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