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A girl who's a bro. A bro who's a girl. The thing you call your female friends that you're not trying to sleep with.

"What it is, birl!!"

"Birls before bros!"

"Gonna go lift with some of my birls later, gonna do split lunges till our butts get round."

"Don't cry, birlfriend! That was just a low-quality dude. Plenty of salmon in that river, yeah?"

by NeverKetchup October 6, 2023


A portmanteau of "bro" and "girl." Used to address a woman who's your bro, or for whom you otherwise want to express non-romantic affection.

"What it be, birl!?"

"Birlfriend, you are killing it!"

"Birl, you've had too much, I'm ordering you an Uber home."

by NeverKetchup June 9, 2023


A girl who's a bro. Portmanteau of "bro" and "girl"

"Birl, you kicked ass on the court today."

"What it is, birl!?"

"Get outta there, birl"

by NeverKetchup August 30, 2023