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1. sate (spelling of 's8' is sate) - sate means to fully satisfy something. (used in old english)

2. Sleight (incorrent spelling of 's8' - is supposed to be 'sl8') - skill

Person 1: "s8 my hunger!"
Person 2: "U hungry?"

Person 1: "lol dat s8"
Person 2: "huh?"

by NicoFilippo December 6, 2016


Attack Damage Carry - In MOBAs like League of Legends or SMITE, players tagged as 'adc' are supposed to deal the majority of their damage through auto-attacks. ADC-s usually have big attack speed and power, but somewhat low defences.

ADC or AD Carry should be an 'Assassin'.

Person 1: "xba adc?"
Me: "ok, coming mid"

by NicoFilippo December 6, 2016


1. Wait (spelling of w8 is wait) - used to make word 'wait' a half shorter.

2. Sometimes mistakely used as Windows 8, the correct acronym for Windows 8 is Win8

Person 1: "w8 4 me!"
Person 2: "k, but quick"

Person 1: "I use w8"
Person 2: "Sucks to be you, m8!"
Intellectual: "It's WIN8!!!"

by NicoFilippo December 6, 2016


1. Blejt (spelling of 'Bl8') - used by people from Czech Republic. Blejt in czech means puke.

2. Blate (spelling of 'Bl8') - beins shy and quiet

Person 1 from CR: "Budu Bl8"
Person 2: "lol wut?"
Person 1: "puke"

Person 1: "Attack!"
-/few minutes later after no attacking/-
Person 1: "Ur so bl8"

by NicoFilippo December 6, 2016


1. 'Wave' chat emoticon, sometimes used as 'o7'

2. 'High Five' chat emoticon

3. 'Raising Hand' chat emoticon

Person 1: "Hello!"
Person 2: "o/"
Person 1: "o/"

by NicoFilippo December 6, 2016