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A medium-sized "city" in "Kansas". There's not much to say about it.

I'm going to Wichita. Far from this opera forevermore.

by Nutmegger November 27, 2004

144πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


State in Western US known for potatoes and neo-Nazis. State university is in Moscow, mascot is Vandals (how appropriate). Short border with Canada in appropriately named Boundary County.

Idaho is shaped like a gun.

by Nutmegger September 25, 2003

37πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


Large city in the province of British Columbia in western Canada. Includes suburban areas such as Surrey and New Westminster in its metro area. A lot of movies are made here. Basketball team moved to Memphis, Tennessee.

I didn't know if I had arrived in Vancouver until someone told me I had.

by Nutmegger September 24, 2003

100πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


The Chicago elevated rail system and the biggest piece of junk in the world. Trains are slow, stops are located two blocks apart, trains stop in the middle of the track for no apparent reason and stay there for 5 minutes, stations are old, dirty and disgunting, the fare keeps going up, every once in a while trains crash. There are about 5 stops on different lines with the name "Western" and this could lead to confusion. The stop called "Central" is nowhere near Chicago's downtown. Many of the stations are elevated and don't have stair or escalator access, causing you to have to walk a shitload of steps. Luckily, the crappiness of the system means trains are rarely, if ever, overcrowded.

Tear down that piece of shit and bury it underground, where I at least don't have to look it at it on my way to work.

by Nutmegger February 16, 2004

14πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


1. Name of many cities. The largest and most well-known Springfield is in Massachusetts. It's home to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Springfield, IL is also well-known by elementary school students as a state capital, but otherwise, it's a backwater. Springfield, MO is even more of a backwater but it's home to SW Missouri State Univ (SMS). There are also smaller Springfields in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Oregon and Ohio. None of these are worth discussing.
2. The fictional town where TV's The Simpsons live. It's not supposed to be in any state; rather, it's Springfield, USA. Identifying it with any real city would be a real embarassment because this Springfield is home to a fake barf factory.

We drove through Springfield on our way to Springfield.

by Nutmegger February 16, 2004

100πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

K street

Street running east-west through Washington DC's northwest quadrant. K Street is a phrase referring to lobbying groups, many of which are headquartered in the area, home also to Chinatown and MCI Center.

You can easily see the influence of K Street in this bill.

by Nutmegger September 28, 2003

94πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Camden is a city across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. This is one of America's most economically depressed cities. Economic development has been restricted to the waterfront with sites such as Tweeter Center and State Aquarium. But interior Camden is ghetto.

Camden is at the foot of the Ben Franklin Bridge.

by Nutmegger February 14, 2004

248πŸ‘ 263πŸ‘Ž