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Flesh Yarmulke

A typical phase in the progression of male pattern baldness in which a circular patch of exposed scalp makes it look as though a yarmulke is being worn.

Oh my god - check it out; that guy is donning the quintessential flesh yarmulke.

by Ocram April 29, 2003

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Proletariat Bidet

Saliva-soaked toilet paper used - in lieu of an actual bidet - to cleanse and soothe the anus.

I had explosive diarrhea at the train station and was left with no option but to take a proletariat bidet.

by Ocram April 23, 2003

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1. The penis; especially, when erect.
2. The act of copulation.

Come here baby - I have got a nice tumescent bonejohn upon which you
should squat.

by Ocram April 28, 2003

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Any occurrence of balding found in women.

I feel so horribly for amy - her hat blew off in the wind and everyone saw that she has fempecia.

by Ocram April 29, 2003

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The anus.

Johanna was quite randy, but regretfully, she never allowed me to penetrate her anejohn.

by Ocram April 28, 2003

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Protein Carnation

A crumpled wad of toilet or tissue paper containing any of a variety of sexual fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, et al) and resembling a freshly blossomed carnation.

Whenever my girlfriend and I have sex, a garden of protein carnations invariably end up at the foot of the bed.

by Ocram April 28, 2003

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Blue Angel

The act of igniting one's flatulence; usually achieved by holding a lighter near the anus while passing gas. The term comes from the bluish-colored flame often resulting from methane combustion. (Note that this activity can be dangerous, and has been known to severly burn the anus and even entrails of careless practitoners.)

I have always enjoyed doing blue angels, but decided to discontinue the activity the day that a flame singed my lower intestines.

by Ocram April 28, 2003

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