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1.To be decked out in shiny and sparkling jewelry.
2.To have parts of one’s hair lightened, typically the tips. Similar to highlights.
3.To be high on stimulants.
4.To be angry.
5.To have a white glaze over, such as frosted glass or frosted donuts.

1. Alexandria sure looks frosted to night with all those sparkling diamonds.
2. Pat looks as if he got his hair frosted.
3. John is getting himself frosted on drugs.
4. Howard became frosted at the site of his wrecked car.
6. You can't see clearly though frosted glass.

by OneBadAsp October 24, 2006

77👍 15👎

Kith and Kin

Your friends and family, respectively. The phrase dated back to the 1300 and originally meant "fellow country men" and "family members". It gradually has taken on a different meaning which we know today.

It is not a phrase that most people use nowadays, expect for Asatruar, as Kith and Kin is imporant in Asatru.

The mead horn is again passed, as praise, stories, and boasts are exchanged. Those assembled forge bonds of kith and kin with each other, deepening friendships and family relations with this holy sharing.

by OneBadAsp November 2, 2006

44👍 12👎


A Mexicant is a person of Mexican descent who won’t work hard and is often seen goofing off and being lazy. Combination of Mexican and the contraction can’t.

Pedro is a Mexican because he works hard; whereas Jesus is a Mexicant because he can’t seem to do the work George gives him.

by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006

508👍 73👎

Nice Guys Finish Last

A saying that “Nice Guys” use to explain why they don’t have a girlfriend. Being too stupid to realize the real reason is because they are feel sorry for themselves and blame others for their lack of success in life, not because they are “too nice”. See Nice Guy.

Men who say “nice guys finish last” almost always seem to follow it up with how women enjoy being treated like shit showing their true misogynistic colors.

by OneBadAsp October 30, 2006

217👍 419👎


A powerful feeling of emptiness and isolation; feeling disconnected and alienated from other people.

The first recorded use of the word lonely was by William Shakespeare.

"Loneliness is the worst pain in this world. It constantly eats away the person's heart, and can cause the person to hate, to feel enraged--the same rage and hate that can cause one person to kill another. It is like a wound of the heart; the type of wounds that cannot go away with a kiss or a hug. The only thing that can make this great pain go away is love and compassion, another human heart to pull them out of this hell."- Princess Diana

by OneBadAsp November 4, 2006

777👍 107👎


Vega is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra and is the fifth brightest star in the sky. The name of the star comes from Arabic and means "The Swooping Eagle". As part of the constellaion Lyra it represents a jewel set in the body of the harp.

Vega is only 25.3 light years from Earth. It is a main sequence star like our sun, however it is twice as massive and burns fifty times brighter than our sun. Vega's current age is between 200 and 500 million years (Our sun is about 4.6 billion years old).

Vega was the first star to ever be photographed, have it's spectrum analized, and it's parallax measured. It has also been in many Science Fiction novels and movies, such as "Contact." And in 14,000 AD Vega will become the North Star, replacing Polaris in the position in the sky.

Since Vega is so much more powerful and younger than our Sun, scientists doubt that life has evolved in it's solar system.

by OneBadAsp October 17, 2006

170👍 55👎

Police Officer

A policeman or policewoman; one who works for the police force. They have the responsibility of keeping the public peace. This is done by patrolling their beat and investigating possible crimes. Police Officer's are the one's who often respond to calls for help when you dial 911 by coming out to the location. Most police officers are very helpful and friendly, unless of course you lead them on a high speed car chase or something to that effect.

Police officers often put their life on the line to protect people but do not often get the thanks they deserve.

by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006

819👍 649👎