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A man that cannot maintain an erection long enough to insert it into their partner. Their horn, wilts like a flower.

"Oh that guy, he's a real flowerhorn. He's never fulfilled me sexually".

by PG1979 June 24, 2024


A man whose penis is so small he's unable to masturbate in the usual manner stroking up and down the shaft, instead he uses one finger and rotates around the tiny head like a miller churning a tiny mill.

My ex is a miller, I couldn't find his cock with the lights turned on.

by PG1979 June 24, 2024


An individual lacking the requisite self-perception to understand how wrong they are. This individual will self-proclaim to be an authority on matters that they have a severely limited understanding of, and will become combative with anyone that possesses greater understanding than themselves (making themselves appear petty and callow).

She has no clue what she's talking about and still she insists on arguing with the experts like some sort of niarcissist.

by PG1979 June 24, 2024


A fraud, someone who spins webs of lies preemptively in order to manipulate a group's opinion of a third party for personal gain.

She knew they would reveal her lies to the group so she became a hoskin, she got out ahead of the truth by spreading even more lies to sway their opinions.

by PG1979 June 24, 2024


A perverse man without scruples who deceives others in order to sexually assault others in cowardly ways.

The police charged the man with acts of indecency, he was drilling holes in the walls like a kennard in order to watch his geriatric neighbour bathing.

by PG1979 June 24, 2024

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