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A more commonly used named than Violincello, a string instrument that is played sitting down. It is held in between the knees and supsended off of the ground by an end pin. It is made of mostly wood and has four strings, A,D,G, and C. Traditionally, the strings were made from cat intestines, but now makers have moved onto steel and other synthetic materials. It is tuned an octave lower than the viola and one octave higher than the cello bass. It is said to be the instrument that most resembles the human voice, with its deep, rich tone. Famous cellist include Yo-Yo Ma, Rasputina featuring three cellist, and Apocalyptica featuring four.

1. The cello sounds beautiful.
2. That cellist sure has talent.

by Penguin October 22, 2004

473πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


Originates from Mandarin. Refers to a kid, or someone cute and cuddly.

Isnt he such a chaichai?

by Penguin April 12, 2005


A noise made to antagonise tools. Normally a person will stick their ring finger in your face and say bulluh. Can also be used to dictract teachers, coachs, and family.(this word is an onomatopoeia)

"Hey Tool! Bulluhbulluhbulluh!"

by Penguin March 20, 2005

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

kick in the pants

Expression of extreme dissapointment

Ahh damnit... that was a kick in the pants

by Penguin October 28, 2002

29πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

A new tie I am wearing

A happy exclimation!

HEY BOB! A new tie I am wearing!

by Penguin October 28, 2002

7πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a winner is when a guy is having sex with a chick and goes out as hard and as fast as possible in order to come VERY quickly. When he does he shouts, "WINNER" in her face!

Spike is a winner all the time

by Penguin July 24, 2003

18πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


An implement used to aid a penguin in the act of shaving. It prevents the razor from cutting too deeply and chafing the skin.

Wally decided to attach the lighthouse to the razor in order to keep his penguin soft and supple.

by Penguin June 23, 2004

7πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž