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Ferking is a nautical term derived from the or pearl punishment of the chief / cook or ships mate who spoils the food being prepared. This could be buring the food, letting it go off or failing to ensure th Ferk (barrel lid) is securely fastened, so as to preserve the stored perishables for the voyage. Ferking is done like applied punishment, with the use of paddles and other instruments in both S&M today and in the discipline in olden days.

Today it's more commonly used as a less offensive alternative to Fucking (Forniction under the command of the King) as a derogatory swear word for implied sexul performance. In any case Ferking still replicates the expression of disappointment and disapproval of a person, situation.

You are Ferking terrible at cooking.

The Cook didn't put the Ferk on properly and the fruit has turned. He's getting a good Ferking for that.

by PhattGreg April 10, 2015

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The abbreviation of the merging of the companies Time Warner (TW) and AT&T (at/At/AT), when formulated after 21st June 2018.

My TWat internet service charge, is getting rediculious!

by PhattGreg June 13, 2018


An American English acronym based upon the old English royal decree turned popular swear word Fuck and Fucked.

Fuc't commonly being said is an acryonym for Fornicate, Under, Command, of Trump, where disalusioned Americans are subtle in their displeasure of the current presedent of the USA.

It's an alternative to typing Trump, Fucked and other words to describe the same sentiment!

Nato and the environent are getting propperly FUC'T over again!

by PhattGreg June 1, 2017


Italian American slang. For a photographic investigator whose actions are for the public good. Unlike the similarly named Paparazzi (Paparazza). A Paperatzi takes pictures to draw attention to something.

I was in New York city from 2004 - 2005 studying up in Danbury CT. I was in New York City in the early spring and I took a random picture of of some garbage bags that had a City of New York, tag on them explaining why they couldn't take the garbage. In the opened bags I could see contaminated paper products. The paper appeared contaminated with food residue and as an environmentally aware person I knew it couldn't be recycled. So for the ironic situation I took some pictures of the garbage bags and was caught and yelled at. By who i thought was the owner, 40 / 50 year old gentleman, smaller than me at 5'8" and as large as myself.

He yelled out "hey Paperatzi, get away from my trash...".

I wasn't sure what he meant and so I put my camera away. I was using a minalta SLR camera. A older kind of camera and not digital, but it was the professional kind, with a power loader, the kind the paparazza use to take pictures of celebrities.

So I aproached the gentleman and apoligised. Because I have a very good knowlage about the enviroment and recycling options from many decades of interest and activity.

So we got talking and I asked what he meant by a paperatzi. And he explained. Above is the easies way of explaining it. I herd it a good few more times during my studies and each time it was known for the above situation.

by PhattGreg December 22, 2013