Attempting to get as many people as possible, or just a particular individual, to like your post on a social networking site such as facebook.
Example 1:
Person 1: Why do you post so much stuff?
Person 2: Like-mining, bro, I do it for the likes.
Person 1: I think you may have insecurity issues.
Person 2: Fuck off and mind your own business, asshole.
Person 1: My point has been proven.
Example 2:
Guy 1: Dude, that girl that I was telling you about just posted a pick of her at a feminism rally.
Guy 2: This is your chance, man. Post a photo in support of women's rights; she'll like it and you'll win brownie points with her.
Guy 1: You want me to like-mine? Isn't it a bit ironic for me to post a photo supporting women's rights and at the same time attempt to manipulate a woman?
Guy 2: It's persuasion, not manipulation. And who gives a shit? Aren't you just trying to get laid?
Guy 1: Yeah, but ... this is quite a quagmire
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A phrase used to describe the working conditions of the lower class, often involving tiresome labor, menial tasks, and/or generally bullshit jobs.
Example 1:
Friend: My parents want me to get a job or else they will kick me out of house, but it's totally stupid because they're rich and don't need any rent money.
You: Have you considered that maybe they just want you see how the other half lives, or maybe they think that 26 is way too fucking old to be mooching off senior citizens, you entitlement douche?
Friend: Hey fuck you man!
Example 2:
Friend: I thought going into the armed services as an officer would be way better than going in enlisted, but yesterday I spent the entire night standing guard over my platoon's weapons as they all slept.
You: It is possible that your superiors just want you to see how the other half lives.
Friend: Perhaps, but it still sucks ass.
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An erratic sleep pattern in which one progressively goes to bed at a later time than the day before, which eventually circles back on itself. It can be used to correct an off sleep schedule by paradoxically making it worse and worse. It is most often practiced by unemployed, apathetic, sedentary, lonely men aged 20-23 with body-clocks longer than 24-hours (who do you think is writing this definition?). For the vast majority of people, it is impractical, but for that special something who just doesn't give much of a fuck about the outside world, it is a challenge accepted, and warrants Internet bragging rights.
A full rotation completed in 6 days, using 4 hour intervals, and 8 hours of sleep
Day 0: Bed 11pm, wake 7am
Day 1: Bed 3am, wake 11am
Day 2: Bed 7am, wake 3pm
Day 3: Bed 11am, wake 7pm
Day 4: Bed 3pm, wake 11pm
Day 5: Bed 7pm, wake 3am
Day 6: Bed 11pm, wake 7am (same as day 0)
Unicorns are most widely thought to be simply horses with horns, but a quick Wikipedia search will inform you that the mythology also states that unicorns can only be tamed by female virgins. Hence, if you say "she couldn't tame a unicorn," you're saying that she's not a virgin.
Guy 1: What do you think of that girl over there?
Guy 2: Her? She couldn't tame a unicorn, no chance in hell.
Guy 1: I concur. I bet she's never even been within a thousand miles of a unicorn.
Guy 2: She alone is the reason why unicorns don't exist in this world; they couldn't possibly occupy any place that is far enough from her without spoiling their innocence and purity
Guy 1: Hmm ... so that's why unicorns don't exist ... interesting theory.