Source Code

attractive age scale

6-7- cute usually hyper
8-9-at the un-mature age
10-11- still don't know what a booty is
12-13- finally in middle school and trying to learn the mature stage
13-14- mostly mature but still dumb inside
14-15- usually the smart ones who know what life is
16+ have there life figured out

"omg I'm so attractive age scale in like a 15"

by Picklestix September 18, 2016


Going to a bar in a big space. Or as in large area.

hey dude let's go to the baria.

by Picklestix October 18, 2016

1👍 1👎


A snart is when you sneeze and fart at the same time.

"Omg! Guys I just snarted!"
" eww did you snart?"

by Picklestix October 5, 2017

1👍 1👎


To have magnetism or to be connected to with a girl

To love her personality

"Omg I think I'm magnet with jennika!?"

by Picklestix April 9, 2016