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Capitalist tennis

Where two tennis players start on an 'even footing', and the strongest player serves first. Each time the weakest player loses a game, they have to down a double gin & tonic, thus progressively getting weaker.

Maria and Michael played capitalist tennis yesterday, Maria ended up losing and was very drunk by the end!

by RandyRhoads84 June 4, 2024

Tea Tree Oiled

The art of waxing your shaft with tea tree oil, and strumming yourself to ecstasy before the burn sets in.

Michael: What did you do last night Steve, the usual pit noodle and wank 1-2?
Steve W: Actually I spiced things up and tea tree oiled my Johnson

by RandyRhoads84 May 30, 2020

Operation Jewtree

UK police investigation into historical allegations of sexual abuse carried out by Rabbi's in Synagogues in the 70s.

Rabbi Goldmann has been arrested under operation Jewtree!

by RandyRhoads84 October 22, 2022

Band of muthas

A group of cunts, usually a toxic employer.

They may be the number one CRO, but they are a band of muthas!

by RandyRhoads84 January 10, 2021


A hooker spreading COVID-19 through sexual liaisons.

Dude, Martina infected 19 men with coronavirus last Sunday alone through her whoring. She should be called HOVID-19!

by RandyRhoads84 May 15, 2020

21👍 2👎


When a person has a fetish for having sex with fat girls.

Duncan: What did you get up to last night?
Woolhead: I had sex with a fat bird.
Duncan: Ah, you were out Chubbthumping again.

by RandyRhoads84 September 5, 2021


One who is a consultant and also a cunt. Highly prevalent in the pharma/healthcare consulting industry.

Sarabvijay: The work we've paid this consultancy for is a pile of shit. We've literally jizzed $500k up the wall.
Jimmy G: Let's not contract with them again, especially that cuntsultant Mark - what a tool he is.

by RandyRhoads84 May 20, 2020