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Jesus was born of a slut mother. The year was 0 Bc, mary and joseph were having problems with money and were about to be evicted from the summer loft by their dick land lord, Richard Cheney. Before Jesus was born they decided to move to bethlaham and rent a stable for the night. Jesus was born with his natural enemy being Super-Satan who rode on a flying motorcycle carrying a jar of marmalade which made you commit adultery. Jesus grew up and by -22Bc. Jesus joined the us army and fought in vietnam. he lost both legs six fingers and gave a rib to eden. He did a lot of drugs there so he had delusins that he was the son of god and followed bybums all accros modern manhatten. Eventually all the doctor jews got together and made jesus a criminal by saying his phsycodelic treatments where against the law. Jesus was found bumming for cigarrettes in jersey and was set to be hung from an old oak in league city texas. the words above jesus' head read "King of 281"

Jesus, Stop the malpractise.

by SJ.LC.TX May 14, 2011

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