1. a certain type of key that can only be used on Monday at 2:22 pm Eastern MVES time it is favored by all with little to no brain cells left
I will use the Monkey to open a brain
1👍 1👎
The royal family of turdsquash, the high rulers of the lands of turd and squash
you're such a fucking turd squash
1. Daisy Johnson from agents of shield aka spies of shild
2. The starting point for a conversation about spies of shild
"SCHMORKLE!" "oh, hey insert name here"
1. the state of mid in which you are confused in the purest form
2.the act in which you completely give up and start ganging your head against the nearest hard surface
3. blank
I am so confuzzled
1. Very pretty or amazing
2. Sparkly
"Omg, that was, like, sooo schnazzy"