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Yeetism is a condition that only Florida Men have. The virus can be transmitted through watching memes and saying "yeet". If a subject has this virus, they begin to throw things uncontrollably until their arm muscles decline completely. After the decline of the subject's arm muscles, the rest begin to decline until they die of being paralyzed.

Doctor: Well, I checked you and it seems you have yeetism.

Friend: o no

Person: finally no more work and endless torture

by SebDoesDefinitions_ April 1, 2022

Mandela Effect

saying that something is there when it really wasn't

James: Dude, didn't you know that Curious George has a tail?
Joe: you just experienced the mandela effect
James: what

by SebDoesDefinitions_ March 14, 2022


being hyped up for something like a madman or just throwing something

James: What's up?
Joe: i just yeeted my cat through the window
James: da hecc

by SebDoesDefinitions_ March 14, 2022


the world's saying of suspicious because people like the sus meme

Krystal: he died
GodxX_: red kinda sus
RedSUS: why

by SebDoesDefinitions_ March 14, 2022


being addicted to something so much that you devote your entire lifespan to it

Henry: i'm an addict to crack
James: da hecc
James: u sus i'm calling da popo

by SebDoesDefinitions_ March 14, 2022