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NOT A SPORTSMAN!!! He is gay (take that Dinasaur), is the twink God, has a cult, is the best character in Disney’s Pocahontas and is Ratcliffe’s servant.

“I love you” said Wiggins! “So do I” smirked Ratcliffe.

by Sharkieofthemidworld September 30, 2022


NOT A SPORTSMAN!!! He is gay (take that Dinasaur), is the twink God, has a cult, is the best character in Disney’s Pocahontas and is Ratcliffe’s servant.

“I love you” said Wiggins! “So do I” smirked Ratcliffe.

by Sharkieofthemidworld September 30, 2022


1: a type of medieval sword a length between longsword and arming sword.
2: the illegitimate son of an aristocrat of whom, this son loves sex.
3: a way to describe a penis of which is between an average and long size.

1: he rode through the planes with his bastard sword, Marw in hand, he slaught any man who stood before him.
2: Christ almighty, he can’t keep it in his pants, must be a bastardsword.
3: my dick isn’t too long, just a bastardsword

by Sharkieofthemidworld May 20, 2022


Commonly misspelt as “Theoden” this is the name of one of the Kings of Rohan, Théoden is the song Thengel and father of Théodred, he is also the uncle of Éowyn and Éomer, he’s a good and strong King, he was the King of Rohan during the War of the Ring, which was his final war as he died at the Battlof of the Pelennor Fields on the 14th of March in 3019 of the Third Age.

“Arise, Arise Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter, spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword day, a red day ere the sun rises: ride now, ride now to Gondor! RIDE NOW, RIDE NOW TO GONDOR!!!”


“Arise, Arise riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day ere the sun rises: Ride now! RIDE NOW! Ride, ride to ruin and the world’s ending: death! Death!! DEATH!!! FORTH ÉORLINGAS!!!

by Sharkieofthemidworld August 28, 2022


A word to describe someone who’s adorable, cute and posses childish joy

Oh Octavius you are such a Shngyupeewupkin

by Sharkieofthemidworld September 18, 2022


This is the female version of a term used in a D/s relationship where the sub plays the role of a pet, there’s no link to bestiality, it’s merely a desire to be cared for in that way.

D: she’s my petgirl, she’s very nice and pretty, a good girl…mostly.

by Sharkieofthemidworld August 17, 2022


1. A man who longs to purge the world of vice and sin.

2. A man who sees corruption everywhere except within.

3. A man of whom is usually lustful over girls named Esmeralda.

4. A very attractive old man.

5. An old man who is probably closeted gay.

6. A man who has a habit of singing Hellfire

7. A man who lovingly called you an unholy Demon.

1. “look lads it’s Claude, hide the women and the girls”

2. “it’s Claude he’s a very biased little git”

3. “Claude is Daddy”

by Sharkieofthemidworld July 29, 2022

2👍 1👎